Happy New Year! 2023!
Wow, I cannot even believe it’s 2023. Where has the time gone? For real! It seems like only yesterday I was playing in the dirt driveway with my Fisher Price Little People, creating worlds and stories- my knees permanently stained with dirt from playing outside all summer long. Back then if you asked me what I wished for for the new year, I am sure I wouldn’t even had known what to wish for, I was just happy to be with my family and my pets. Huh,… so funny, I feel the same way now.

Last year I chose a word for the new year, I believe it was intention. Somewhere along the way though, I lost that intention and I was making IT up as I went along. I am sure those of you with small children or elderly parents understand this all too well. I would have a plan for the day, a call would come in from my sister or my mom, regarding my dad which would then create a whole new agenda for the day. My dad has Parkinson’s and dementia, some mornings he thinks my mother is trying to poison him or he doesn’t recognize her as his wife, but as his mother. It is really hard on my mother, she is his main caregiver and she has health issues herself, and she is lonely. Ugh… I could go on, but I won’t. It is sad and it is always heavy on my mind. I try to visit a couple times a week and help as much as my mother needs. Always feeling like it isn’t enough.
So now onto 2023, I have signed up for Victoria Johnson’s Create Christmas 2 Course once again this year. It starts this month. More Christmas artwork to come. Yay, she says. I have been trying to keep up with Sarah Watts’ Sketchbook prompts everyday. That girl, she is a force!

Sarah Watts’ Sketchbook Prompt Day 1
Lastly, but not least… I am joining a lovely group of women for Sarah Rafferty’s Wonder Mastermind. It will be happening all year long, and boy am I looking forward to it! I’ll be sharing my progress and experience along the way, so stay tuned.
Until Next Time!